Isabella Lewis
Terry Pratchett being poor is expensive Take boots for example He earned thirty eight dollars a month plus allowances A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars But an affordable pair of boots which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out cost about ten dollars Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought and wore until the soles we
DEVIRE K IDETRREp11g VETaYA o STeT ol SRV NYR Kol EWAWET RTINS WalsTa Wi NG e IVANE TRl V11 el el Nale when these same people were born former slaves were still alive We are not that far removed from this history It is the truth and it should be taught
Olivia Veqqie
IRV IR 1 S 0 o e WVES A T aalTagl o1 in 2010 Microsoft held a funeral for the iPhone after launching the Wilale o WiN o aloal 04
Gaie Houston