CAR FOR SALE PLEASEEE READ CAREFULLY SO THERES NO MISUNDERSTANDING This car is R2500 Youre getting R2500 worth of car Dont ask me about the engine light or this light or that light Its 2500 Rand As is Call or text right now 071 Somen o just show up at 23 wewpmmStreet Newcastle W resomammmenozn crn eger v o
Agni Gauss
Ifsthe year 2022 People are still the same A 110474 Ko loXe 10 12 e B o get what they need And they need
Existential Comics v AL ACISUSERIE NEWER 1AW o UETSRS oled SR e e o X U o a minimum wage increase is struck down employees are prevented from UlalelaVAlgle corporate taxes are reduced labor laws are relaxed The stock market is not the economy its an estimate of how much wealth can be extracted from workers
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