Advanced Dog Training At the dog park this morning a woman picked up her dogs poop tied it and handed it to her dog Then THE DOG TOOK THE POOP BAG AND RAN UP THE HILL TO A TRASH CAN The dog missed the can so the woman called out fix it and THE DOG PICKED IT UP AND PUT IT IN THE CAN
Joseph Mitchell
ALB 58 JohanSparks5 Imagine waking up one morning having a stretch and opening your bedroom curtains and there in your window plant box are 3 sleeping squirrels
Jeremy Jordan
I Just flipped our microwave on its side and he absolutely loves it
Sophia Rich
KIDNAPPER Until the ransom is paid youll be locked in this room with only a bed and the occasional tray of food ME excitedly OMG meals sleep AND silence KIDNAPPER glares ME meanoh nooo00000
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