These best friends got the same haircut to trick their teacher so she wouldnt be able to tell them apart L N el 88
MESSAGES now Wendys Listen here fucko VIVILIVIAUL YZWLEINUI O 1 N1NWO1 Only 3 Simple Ingredients Judy Long Recipes Other Cool Things m Homemade Wendys Frosty 12 gal chocolate milk 1 14 oz can Eagle Brand milk 1 8 0z Cool Whip Mix well and freeze Mixture does not get hard more like a thick milk shake
Agni Gauss
If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesnt help the poor either we have to pretend Jesus was just as selfish as we are or weve got to acknowledge that He el Yo T RVER o 0V the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just dont want to do it Stephen Colbert
Isabella Lewis