avatar Sophia Rich
This shit is cringe Even the Tank one Youre not a tank youre a fat piece of shit The CEO Owns the Hangout the Friend Group Forgiven for al fr The Tank De facto Security and Mediator I the event of emergency the others wil cower behind him for P The Worm Has made the most and the worst ife decisions out of anyone else i the group Deserves and receives no pity The Absentee Has the bes Wil talk to Fe

This shit is cringe Even the Tank one Youre not a tank youre a fat piece of shit The CEO Owns the Hangout the Friend Group Forgiven for al fr The Tank De facto Security and Mediator I the event of emergency the others wil cower behind him for P The Worm Has made the most and the worst ife decisions out of anyone else i the group Deserves and receives no pity The Absentee Has the bes Wil talk to Fe

avatar Charlie Chocolate
avatar Charlie Chocolate
Welcome to Heaven Hem is your dog OFuiks Adncssn

Welcome to Heaven Hem is your dog OFuiks Adncssn

avatar Anthony Miller
avatar John Paul
091921Sunze 19 No16719290 2216716981 OP went on date with girl had recently met she wants to go to Texas Roadhouse T6KBJPG take her there she tells me its her birthday tomorrow i figured they bring cake or something for birthdays so i tipped off the wait staff things arent going that well not really feeling her get up to go to bathroom to think over exit strategy walk out and begin to walk towards

091921Sunze 19 No16719290 2216716981 OP went on date with girl had recently met she wants to go to Texas Roadhouse T6KBJPG take her there she tells me its her birthday tomorrow i figured they bring cake or something for birthdays so i tipped off the wait staff things arent going that well not really feeling her get up to go to bathroom to think over exit strategy walk out and begin to walk towards

avatar Isabella Lewis
Alyssa D Silos 812 PM Sep 4 2021 Twitter for iPhone 1307 Retweets 316 Quote Tweets 239K Liki w 1 be lookin at women when they hit me with th llar store

Alyssa D Silos 812 PM Sep 4 2021 Twitter for iPhone 1307 Retweets 316 Quote Tweets 239K Liki w 1 be lookin at women when they hit me with th llar store

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