this zombie better chill before do something imma regret
Mark Manson
Anthony Miller
THIS NASTY WOMAN INSULTED HIM ON HIS FIRST DAY AT HIS NEW JOB WHAT HE SAID NEXT IS PRICELESS So after landing my new job as a Wal Mart greeter a good find for many retirees lasted less than a day About two hours into my first day on the job a very loud mean looking woman walked into the store with her two kids yelling obscenities at them all the way through the hldTo R 1 Wo CEEETd A OTeTeTe Ny ToT
Gaie Houston
Brittany Means N BrittanyMeanslt One of my greatest joysin life is when Jeff calls the vet to make an FETololeliglinglsIn alo RUATSIVAETS G eldalS name and he says Jeff Then they ask for our cats name and watch him gather his strength before he tells them Baby Jeff 416 PM 41322 Twitter for Android 7 QRIS Rl e e NO Vol RIS T2 o QT
Sophia Rich
Roses drove over 800 miles from my late moms to plant at my new house These come from the bush she kept alive for over 30 years
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