Those are some old school wired headphones E i L g
Patricia Lee
The Four Horsemen of Picky Eaters
Gaie Houston
new atheists deride religion as primitive superstition but when you hear their take on what religion is its clear they have the shallowest concept of it nst pvtrick Yall are the ones with holy books about talking snakes and blood sacrifices but go off guess ueltigrechico see what i mean shadowsworldofchaoticposting will start believing the day you introduce me personally to your gods eltigrechico
Gaie Houston
Sheeplesuck now known as SheepWarden608 Two Virginia school board members championed burning books that have been deemed worthy of removal from libraries Getty Images Hi virginian here These books entail child pornography This is misinformation at its finest sinder420 meme author removed this comment S Dudes literally erasing comments C1oTol0 ToIWA TR oToTo R o W g Te Motol g1 113 NS child porn si
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