avatar Jacob Junior
_Tm dissapoiated You could do S0 much better l_ CDJ do S0 Much worse

_Tm dissapoiated You could do S0 much better l_ CDJ do S0 Much worse

avatar Isabella Lewis
When you at a party with a baadie and you hear one of your homies scream OKAY SEE YOU

When you at a party with a baadie and you hear one of your homies scream OKAY SEE YOU

avatar Anthony Miller
That Guy N054766295 Yesterday PNG 3765 KiB 900x702 Playing DnD Wizard gets into a fight with an important NPC When the wizard realizes who the NPC is he apologizes and asks As a token of my goodwill would you like me to make you a magical sword NPC agrees Wizard casts polymorph and turns them into a sword Argues that the NPC shouldnt have a will save because they agreed to it 10 replies

That Guy N054766295 Yesterday PNG 3765 KiB 900x702 Playing DnD Wizard gets into a fight with an important NPC When the wizard realizes who the NPC is he apologizes and asks As a token of my goodwill would you like me to make you a magical sword NPC agrees Wizard casts polymorph and turns them into a sword Argues that the NPC shouldnt have a will save because they agreed to it 10 replies

avatar Zoe ZZZ
Danny DeVito 3 vows never to retire from acting Danny DeVito 73 vows never to retire from acting T e Dreams really do come true

Danny DeVito 3 vows never to retire from acting Danny DeVito 73 vows never to retire from acting T e Dreams really do come true

avatar Olivia Veqqie
Hi ljust want to introduce myself Im ray Ive been trucking for 6 weeks just became a trainer yesterday

Hi ljust want to introduce myself Im ray Ive been trucking for 6 weeks just became a trainer yesterday

avatar Agni Gauss
silent nate holy nate MNateShyamalan hello im an adult in a christmas movie i dont believe in santa but have also never bought my children even one of the presents they receive every year they just appear and i am fine with this reality this is neither confusing nor horrifying

silent nate holy nate MNateShyamalan hello im an adult in a christmas movie i dont believe in santa but have also never bought my children even one of the presents they receive every year they just appear and i am fine with this reality this is neither confusing nor horrifying

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