_ Tony Kinnett QALEICLTE Somewhere today an English teacher will burst into tears telling her students about January 6th 93 of her students will attempt to refrain from laughing at her Encourage your kids to record so we also can laugh at her
Jacob Junior
my dad officially became a doctor today Ampz Adizzle_408 imma go show my dad and tell him what other peoples parents are doing
John Paul
Joseph Mitchell
Kat Abu abughazalehkat 6h god i forget how ugly Tuckers studio is when they zoom out i 262k 51 nws VAT Kat Abu abughazalehkat 6h getting ptsd flashbacks to my mom driving me 40 N minutes to the dallas suburbs for a playdate and seeing this exact room designated as the emotionally distant dads man cave i 5205 O 9 2 QO 99 PM Roanhouse PMRoanhouse Replying to abughazalehkat its Tonka truck tough tree
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