avatar Mark Manson
VR ELRGEREENFE LR UEI R GENET TR GERE mental break just at different life stages

VR ELRGEREENFE LR UEI R GENET TR GERE mental break just at different life stages

avatar jojo9
n maidenruby Freshmen Me i dont get why older students hate us freshmen so much its so dumb ugh Senior Me who the fuck let all these fucking gremlins into this school Source maidenruby barbequeue 87862 notes o 8 Q

n maidenruby Freshmen Me i dont get why older students hate us freshmen so much its so dumb ugh Senior Me who the fuck let all these fucking gremlins into this school Source maidenruby barbequeue 87862 notes o 8 Q

avatar Mark Manson
JV A Kayla Ancrum 4 KaylaAncrur Its kind of fucked up that most ramekins dont nest What do you MEAN theres a bunch of small containers and if you stack them on top of each other for storage they dont fit together and instead slide in all directions You want me to store these laterallyHORIZONTALLY

JV A Kayla Ancrum 4 KaylaAncrur Its kind of fucked up that most ramekins dont nest What do you MEAN theres a bunch of small containers and if you stack them on top of each other for storage they dont fit together and instead slide in all directions You want me to store these laterallyHORIZONTALLY

avatar Jeremy Jordan
A woman mid childbirth can almost experience the pain and Fear an AR S checing toiseelif his hairlinelisireceding

A woman mid childbirth can almost experience the pain and Fear an AR S checing toiseelif his hairlinelisireceding

avatar Mark Manson
Getting sweaty after showering is like the 5th worst thing right after eating ketchup as an adult and sneezing in a full room and not getting a bless you

Getting sweaty after showering is like the 5th worst thing right after eating ketchup as an adult and sneezing in a full room and not getting a bless you

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Топок вом не пРосто оБУВЫ Топок нужен всем ПодРЯЛ Он и доМик и лоточек и метотельный СНОРЯД Функций топочек не счесты Если котик в доме есты

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