Agni Gauss
Well thats a creative way to lineup your boat
Я пару месяцев назад по какой то акции выиграла светящиеся презервативы Пыталась их использовать скажу честно плохо получилось потому что было жутко смешно А после фразы адресованной любимому мужу Посвети мне сюда пожалуйста он вообще от смеха уполз под кровать
Joseph Mitchell
Rohit Shah 2nd Freelance Writer 3yr Guys whats a random scam you pulled off at work A client once found our 30 page report too long So reduced the font size by 2 points and the report was 22 pages He saw it and was like guys this is fantastic
Gaie Houston
rffuckHOA uNeedhelpnowwhat 15h dissolved my HOA We moved into our neighborhood about a year and a half ago greeted by a 350yr HOA with a tiny pool house and power hungry HOA Board Fortunately it was owner managed instead of a company Fast forward 6 months and the board swaps over with a plan to dissolve the HOA but after month battling 3 assholes werent able to pull it off At point decided to beco