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When the arrests and declassifications start WIIES R Lol ffifraas L el S 4 flapdkoo Ly 7 o e

When the arrests and declassifications start WIIES R Lol ffifraas L el S 4 flapdkoo Ly 7 o e

avatar John Paul
While the male power fantasy is a well known phenomenon in fiction the female power fantasy of being maximally desirable despite having below average looks goes largely undiscussed

While the male power fantasy is a well known phenomenon in fiction the female power fantasy of being maximally desirable despite having below average looks goes largely undiscussed

avatar Gaie Houston
e Cole ColeVecc If you were to tell 7 year old me that at 32 would be working for NASA as a scientist hed call you a liar And hed be right Kid was sharp Not NASA sharp but sharp

e Cole ColeVecc If you were to tell 7 year old me that at 32 would be working for NASA as a scientist hed call you a liar And hed be right Kid was sharp Not NASA sharp but sharp

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ИзапомЁите девочни ЗацикленностЬ Н о придурне яишает Вас возмоёноети насладиться обществом Многих других придурков

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М УРА на обижена ст Щ Н 8 К юбые по й Кч ватных Ч К С В

М УРА на обижена ст Щ Н 8 К юбые по й Кч ватных Ч К С В

avatar jojo9
4 otherwindow Seguir why is it always a male character going mad avenging his dead wife and never a female character cradling her dying pure of heart husband in her arms then dragging the whole world down with her swan2swan Seguir I can fix that acharlesoberonn Seguir First of all this is a very clever use of this gif Secondly fuck you

4 otherwindow Seguir why is it always a male character going mad avenging his dead wife and never a female character cradling her dying pure of heart husband in her arms then dragging the whole world down with her swan2swan Seguir I can fix that acharlesoberonn Seguir First of all this is a very clever use of this gif Secondly fuck you

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