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When you dissociate in the middle of a conversation and when you come to you gotta act like youve been present the whole time

When you dissociate in the middle of a conversation and when you come to you gotta act like youve been present the whole time

avatar Agni Gauss
NoelCaslerComedy IS EINeL The NYT piece on Trumps campaign grift is stunning How is that anything less than fraud He was literally draining folks bank accounts He has EIWEVRR ofIs g ReWolTe 1 o g1 e IS o101 o ll o in jail 122 million in refunds in 2020 alone 0 454 PM 03 Apr 21 Twitter for iPhone T

NoelCaslerComedy IS EINeL The NYT piece on Trumps campaign grift is stunning How is that anything less than fraud He was literally draining folks bank accounts He has EIWEVRR ofIs g ReWolTe 1 o g1 e IS o101 o ll o in jail 122 million in refunds in 2020 alone 0 454 PM 03 Apr 21 Twitter for iPhone T

avatar Agni Gauss
Me We just found out my grandpa is addicted to viagra My friend Oh no Hows your grandma taking it Me Pretty hard

Me We just found out my grandpa is addicted to viagra My friend Oh no Hows your grandma taking it Me Pretty hard

avatar Agni Gauss
Iron lungs in a polio ward 1950 Society has a short memory vaccinate _

Iron lungs in a polio ward 1950 Society has a short memory vaccinate _

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Grace QleclellerT0gl1I10 i asked what he wanted to do for his birthday and this was the first thing that came to his mind T NENT EXC Rl T eI ROV R EVERITOTS we go to goodwill get massive suits and go do something like just one thing was thinking just one beer at an applebees but i dont wanna get yelled at for going someplace 207 PM 4221 Twitter for iPhone

Grace QleclellerT0gl1I10 i asked what he wanted to do for his birthday and this was the first thing that came to his mind T NENT EXC Rl T eI ROV R EVERITOTS we go to goodwill get massive suits and go do something like just one thing was thinking just one beer at an applebees but i dont wanna get yelled at for going someplace 207 PM 4221 Twitter for iPhone

avatar Agni Gauss
1 o R

1 o R

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