avatar Wildone2
When you show up to a costume party but it turns out to be an intervention for your drinking

When you show up to a costume party but it turns out to be an intervention for your drinking

avatar Wildone2
N RV o o B o TeIVAIE Yy I Tl his testicles while taking a bath Mom he asked are these my brains Not yet she replied

N RV o o B o TeIVAIE Yy I Tl his testicles while taking a bath Mom he asked are these my brains Not yet she replied

avatar Wildone2
Dude I told you n

Dude I told you n

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Never lie to someone who trusts you and never trust someone who lies to you

Never lie to someone who trusts you and never trust someone who lies to you

avatar Wildone2
The Pentagon announced TODAY the formation of a new 500 man elite fighting unit called the United States Redneck Special Forces USRSF 3 Trlgljlb These Alabama Arkansas Georgia Kentucky Mississippi West Virginia Missouri Oklahoma Tennessee and Texas boys will be dropped off into Iraq and have been given gnly the following facts about terrorists 1 The season opened today 2 There is no limit 3 They t

The Pentagon announced TODAY the formation of a new 500 man elite fighting unit called the United States Redneck Special Forces USRSF 3 Trlgljlb These Alabama Arkansas Georgia Kentucky Mississippi West Virginia Missouri Oklahoma Tennessee and Texas boys will be dropped off into Iraq and have been given gnly the following facts about terrorists 1 The season opened today 2 There is no limit 3 They t

avatar Patricia Lee
WIKIPEDIA Q Breast tax A K A The breast tax mulakkaram or mula karam in Malayalam was a tax imposed until 1924 on the lower caste and untouchable Hindu women by the Kingdom of Tranvancore in present day Kerala state of India if they wanted to cover their breasts in publicNZIBI4ISI6 The lower caste and untouchable

WIKIPEDIA Q Breast tax A K A The breast tax mulakkaram or mula karam in Malayalam was a tax imposed until 1924 on the lower caste and untouchable Hindu women by the Kingdom of Tranvancore in present day Kerala state of India if they wanted to cover their breasts in publicNZIBI4ISI6 The lower caste and untouchable

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