Donald Trump is forced to pay back 122 million in donations after supporters were tricked into making recurring payments to his 2020 campaign I T Make ths 3 MontiVy recuring Sonation Trumps campaign duped supporters right into donating millions through a scam known as a money bomb where they would unwittingly sign up to make weekly recurring payments bottom left
Agni Gauss
Ron Periman dressed up in full Hellhoy makeup 0 visil a Kid and grani 1S Make LUish fountation Tequest
Agni Gauss
s Elliott Lusztig 2 Foigen 1 Hannah Arendt in her book The Origin of Totalitarianism provides a helpful guide for interpreting the language of fascists Oersetzung anzeiger 1o 20 NEEBRROZE 197 24T wee Ellott Lusztig zlusi 26 N 2 She noted how decent liberals of 1930s Germany would fact check the Nazis bizarre claims about Jews like they were meant to be factual B 1T 1 Ellott Lusatig czlusziig 20 No
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