a friend of mine laughed when told them my big idea was to draw a grumpy animal every day for no reason One year later and the hardback edition is shipping all over the world from amazon Not everyone has to believe in your idea aslong as you do e A WHRTS Forlunch LETME Take A WILD FUCKING GUESS OnCE GET MY SHT TOGETHER iTS OVER FOR You BITCHES
Sophia Rich
TheGr8Aspie 0 RUCHESEREIGTg If you need a refresher on why crime is a social construct remember what happens if your boss shorts your check 100 vs if you walk out of the store with 100 from the till
Charlie Chocolate
RLCHEVACT I iy EEL VL CIAERER YRR TR o granted Yet the prospect of shortages in the years ahead could make water a precious commodity That represents an opportunity for investors
Charlie Chocolate
Mark Manson
L RON HUBBARD Inventor of the Hubbard Electrometer its use was to determine whether tomatoes experienced pain His work led him to the conclusion that tomatoes scream when sliced Later he founded the Church of Sclentology 50 he could experiment with other vegetables
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