SRR S Romans were known to create tombs for their dogs and gave them epitaphs to remember them by One such inscription read I am in tears while carrying you to your last resting place as much as I rejoiced when bringing you home with my own hands 15 years ago
Sophia Rich
A lot of people hate my skepticism ELCRRGIL ARG EI S ELE RV AR LG psychics offer wonders and endless possibilities in a world that often ECE L G T AL R UL EL A L 5 promise health wealth wisdom eternal life But if you examine the record its not the psychics but the hard nosed scientists who have ELAUTE WA I N e R R A T B A T improve human life And to me science describes a world far more T CIES G E
Mark Manson
Anthony Miller
People on benefits arent negatively affecting your life in the slightest Your life sucks because of the rich and blaming people on benefits is exactly
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