youeitherskateoryoudie deactiva i hate when ur in public somewhere and something goes mildly wrong something inconvenient happens and the nearest baby boomer tries to get you to complain with them QZS Iarry what does this even mean Q youeitherskateoryoudie EXAMPLE you are in line at mcdonalds its really busy and the employees are overwhelmed its taking a long time you are minding your own business
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Boot Texas Republicans BootTexasGOP Greg Abbott last week Everything that needed to be done was done to fix the power grid ERCOT this week B KUT Austin KUT 34m Breaking ERCOT is asking people to conserve power as much as possible this week as demand for electricity might exceed supply amid record electricity usage and forced outages kutnews3wkKfas Show this thread 248 PM Jun 14 2021 Twitter Web Ap
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