пинннцинннните Это я выпила сутра кофейку 2 иуменя появилась энергия и сила б
Patricia Lee
the controller s battery doesn t want it s closed in wait this is wireless it is wow very nice
Gaie Houston
i m on the way brother is your primark janet s on a calm man okay he s not an imposter he s not an imposter we have to check you know i m trying to stand the end of check yeah
Jacob Junior
How Failure Has Helpe Build the Savannah Bananas sbbwiddba 1
every single thing we ve done for the first time we failed at our first shimmy to t shirt there were too many ends in bananas we actually misspelled if you guys have merchandise not a good start okay we failed miserably with that then our first ever game all you can eat fans had to wait almost two to three hours to get food we had no ide
Gaie Houston
i ll order you now i m fifty seven and if you were to go back in time and have a conversation with your twenty year old self what is the best advice you would give to your younger self if a bird lands on the branch does the bird trust the branches of the trusty swings and the clue i ve seen many birds land on branches but what i ve never seen is a branch break and a bird falling down
any possibility of survival if a person is sucked into an aircraft engine firstly you need to say absolutely
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