three two miles embracing action on the way to the checker flag as the crowd roll the traffic on to the final lap of this race and from stafford steps off that hamilton is it going to be a first world championship for mustafa and they go there eight small championship
Charlie Chocolate
he US Navy has a tradition that no submarine is ever considered lost at sea Subs that dont return ncluding 52 lost during WWII are considered still on patrol Every year at Christmas sailors manning ommunication hubs send holiday greetings to hose listed as still on patrol
Charlie Chocolate
the escape pod bedsheet helps evacuate a mobilized patient the sheet makes it easy yeah i m theory that s great that the problem is of experience way too many people and emergencies is the first responder to know that that almost likely end in those people experiencing their last moments being yeeted down a set of stairs uncontrolled as an elderly hot pocket
My foster dog Max is too scared to let me touch him but always makes sure Im taken care of
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