sitting around all day playing video games i m just playing video games and my extra one pair someone should be like wow wow grown ass man playing fucking make believe how they wow this is a pissing off cause i this is my office i m like when the fuck they make believe become so bad when they have an imagination become the worst shit in the world
Olivia Veqqie
my god captain the light bolts are ready to go should we load the women and children but no man in children first use these huts when it s one of you private a woman can handle the fast gives me tests when it s one of two private a woman can handle a sticking chip just as well as a man can and if you don t think so you re a massage music apple stuck in two thousand and eight and eight ladies and
Gaie Houston
let s return a white knife into black and vice versa of course to do that i haven t extra knife and i m just really good at knife switching i ve been practicing long distance check it out as the black goes where the white used to be in the white goes where the black watts now i can do that because i haven t extra knifed that i hide under the box so
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