o TikTok o B HERE SN politicalgymb K
here s my plan to stop the chemical physical and emotional mutilation of our youth i will ask congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the united states government are male and female and they are a signed head bird the bill will also make clear the title nine prohibited
12 year olds after saying their first slur on Call of Duty
Patricia Lee
e Where do you ike Zomeone on a first date
your go to first date spot i like to take a girl for a drink or maybe to that secret tunnel those old people are dating to escape the assisted living facility that hidden tunnel that those old people are digging to escape their abusive orderly i like how the elderly people are using their cane the shovel and their oxygen machines to pump air into the tunn
Jeremy Jordan
and what s it what s your message to you have you seen donald trump do you think he should step in donald trump don t trust china china is as host
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