какое легкомыслие вот она нынешняя молодежь где вековые традиции где чувство ответственности только познакомились и сразу же подведен почему такое ведь бывает вы же сами мне объясняли и даже стихами это совсем другое дело я вас не под венец был у меня были более серьезные
Olivia Veqqie
Olivia Veqqie
so we built this path here but we didn t realize that the gates had to shut right antonio the date won t even close because the road s gonna lay where you like antonio in the book
Jacob Junior
more than three hundred and twenty million people you d think that it wouldn t be that hard to find at least one person to fall in love with right well not really there may be lots of people in the u s but many of them don t fit the personal criteria that we look for in a mate for example let s say that you re only interested in women that immediately cuts the number of potential mates in t
Gaie Houston
Perfectly cut off screams
one man to attack super soft brother off now ready to attack away wait what s the problem took us bad as the way it just ended it s going to shut the door here oh no it s not because it s gonna get delayed lewis hamilton s taking away video i was fast sorry
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