мама ты крутая мама ты лучшая мама ты лучшая мама ты любимая слушай обед закончился и между нами тоже все кончено
Mark Manson
are you bad yes ma am your favorite can you move the seat forward because it s it s sitting my knees yeah let s go hold on it s very and you hold on i didn t even pull my seatbelt on sir and you re like slow down you re in a rush because if you re in that rush i m gonna panic it s too hot in here can can i lower this window or something yeah go go back no you re
Gaie Houston
that man that dropped the meat from the sky i m pretty sure he was actually in a different part of the world than i am so i don t really think that that would likely land on my grill
Sophia Rich
at a special discount when she opened the door a coldy bedroom greeted her the bathroom experience began
Gaie Houston
Gaie Houston
Why women need to be humbled by punching them in the face r MOTIVATIONHOUSEO 1
are men and women equal actually women are better than men what do men bring to the world literally nothing women the vibes just everything everything you know in love if you look around the entire infrastructure of our nation our economy every building we want you to the way that you are portraying
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