Я как откидываю, я вам в багажник пилю я. Какая специальная запаска. Я как от парковки. Ну, запаска. Я хвайдат. Вот он сон. Он сон. Он сон.
Gaie Houston
Like what is TV meth? TV methamphetamine, the way we made it, with a little blue tint, is actually rock candy and the flavor was cotton candy. I never tasted it until one night. We're working in the lab down there and I see Aaron Paul throwing methamphetamine in his mouth. I go, what are you doing? You can't eat the product. And he goes, you've ta
I think it's great, but while in this world, I think I'll take my whiskey and leave. I'm talking black in my bed and sleep. You're too sweet for me. You're too sweet for me. I take my whiskey and leave. I'm talking black in my bed and sleep. I'm talking black in my bed.
Ксгда ты ей слово ена тебе бсть
I'd love to get a word in my turner I'm not interrupting it's just that's how it comes I don't think you know
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