I actually pray out loud i go hey god and im brand new to this god thanks i don t know how this works but im like hey guys i can t wait to learn how to share you with others and if you want to use me even on this drive use me like a minute later there s this hitchhiker on the side of the road that i see big dude big guffle bag that
John Paul
DIIbo mustve been smoking that otherwordly zaza to make gandalf appear like that
Olivia Veqqie
Around my new detached garage when i found hidden treasure it sa termite tunnel and i couldn t wait to start experimenting with it they built these things to connect the colony in the ground to the wood that they want to eat here s how they rebuilt it in only 6 hours they use saliva mixed with dirt and wood tunnel that was too easy for him so i destroyed it again and decided it was time for round
Patricia Lee
He was upset cause his care taker was playing with another Elephant
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