follow ig pestosalad for serotonin igpestosalad did you hear about that awful thing that tiktok celebrity did im so shocked my feed 3
Sophia Rich
twenty two years of age mode what were you doing when you were twenty two i had who i ll see twenty two i was wanted for murder my brother and i were on a two year trip on motorcycles around the country we got jobs as waiters in a pollination restaurant there was this chef named peter and peter was a horrid man he
Agni Gauss
When youre pretty sure the new guy is an FBI informant
John Paul
ROVA Anftiel cemtirel i AMETHE
hey what you doing here buddy your owner s probably looking for you whoa whoa whoa hands hands i m serious i m busy
ninety percent of the offshore interrogators are white man should you talk about like torture yeah were you discouraged from being an advanced interrogator because of your gender defimes okay not something that personally would appeal to me i m not attracted to like human rights violation but is that possible that that s your social programming the society has been telling women that they should
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