gathered around peanut butter and seeing all our can of butter sauce c a a b f i r v f so lindy s um you don t think that you can t sing it faster than you re wrong but it ll help it if you re just being a long
Comments 77k TX a Aether 1 month ago 437 The indian goverment explaning why cows have more rights than women CRIS Tl a 92 VIEW 92 REPLIES
Jacob Junior
Jeremy Jordan
Me testing out the invisible bulletproof gloves Captain Cracksparrow sold me gunspictures and guntrends George Carlin Some People Are Stupid
did you ever notice that how many really stupid people you run into during the day god damn there s a lot of stupid bastards walking around carry a little patent pencil burger you wind up with thirty or forty names by the end of the day look at it this way th
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