I made my move, it was all about you, now I feel so far removed You are the one thing in my way, you are the one thing in my way I made my move, I made my move, I made my move
Gaie Houston
Here are things that help me sleep better from least helpful to most helpful. Just trying to go to bed earlier very rarely worked for me. I just lied awake for hours and it really seemed like a waste of time. It was much more about what I did during the 12 plus hours during the day that helped me naturally feel tired and actually want to sleep ear
Agni Gauss
Ugh! Ew! Dad! Uh! Woohoo! Mama light! Who's making this stuff? Not me! You ruined it. You ruined it and I'm leaving.
Jacob Junior
DSOELIE I found this tree growing through a street sign and out through the top
this is nuts look at this all right so you see like the little tree and there's like this right here that's wood do you want to know why because the tree is growing through the street sign all the way up and all the way out the top into a full tree look at this it's insane
Jacob Junior
Stop dressing like youre homeless
What are you talking about? What are you wearing? Denim? Dude, this is totally classic. New rule. No jeans that look like somebody did a bad job shoving them into a paper shredder. What about my acid wash broken in paint sand tank top? Why do you want to wear clothes that make it look like you can't afford clothes? Because they look relaxed, bogey
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