JK Simmons got jacked at age 60 B
if you ever thought was too late to get in shape jk simmons got ridiculously jacked when he was sixty years old and for a moderate jk seventy plays jjon jameson the spider man movies was the dad and juno and one oscar for whiplash and it was reported that he got in shape to play commissioner gordon and batman versus superman but you were building and doesn t sue a
Joseph Mitchell
Countries scaled by inflation
Charlie Chocolate
The rest of the world trying to understand America units of measurement
a palate am i reading this right you need a palate of chocolate covered pretzels we re winning all of my supposed what is this a drum of grape jam is that what is that is that like a drum like they ship oil and is that look at this one a desk of cheese it s a desk where where are we
Agni Gauss
Gino making sausages is the funniest thing Ive seen in a TikTok memes_and_scenes
into the casing requires a little bit more precision but this shouldn t be a problem for an experienced sausage handler like genote here we go okay not too tight
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