Just tryna film our dogs and my dad came out swingin Terrible awful dogs
Jacob Junior
Me pretending to listen to a Vietnam war vet explaining that the problem with modern society is the poisonous hedonism in our youth and the ability to access entertainment so easily has effected peoples ability to focus on real goals that give their life meaning and the result is an impulsive society that can easily be swayed and persuaded in authoritarianism as they are desperate to find meaning
Jeremy Jordan
Jacob Junior
hey you re gonna wake the other
Olivia Veqqie
all right turn we wait wait wait no no no it means bear right no there it said right so take a raise no no no no no look it means go up to the right they re right over the bridge and hook up with three of them they are right it s a shortcut toy it should i go to the right it can t mean that
Joseph Mitchell
to a muscle girls bar in akibakudo station where they hand squeeze the drinks for you and have random performances all throughout the night these girls were doing all sorts of different things and will make this place even more fitting is that they serve you protein drinks to make you feel just as strong as some they also have this tipping system where they take fake dollar bills and you can tip
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