No experience, no thanks. Oh, nuts. Young lady, what's the little guy's name? What do you care? Well, I can't send an unwed teenage mother out on the street without a job. Stewie. My son's name is Stewie. Meg, order up. Here you go, hon, from Flappy himself. I don't care if they're from Kubla, filthy, wretched God. Try them, you'll like them. Yes,
Did you roofie my drink? Oh, I roofied like 40% of the drinks here. It's a numbers game for me. Swell! Enough with the Boo-Boozellas, Taco. This is New Year's Eve, not a soccer game. Oh, no, no, no, no. These aren't just any old Boo-Boozellas, my friend. Full steam ahead, boys! Nine! Eight! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
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