Patricia Lee
Real things Ive seenas a Paramedic Q wow sir unfortunately i definitely think that leg is broken oh yeah you think how much you shut your mouth to make yourself useful give me something for the pain hey i literally just gave some to you good know what let s just make sure we pack a pay nan maybe when i said that
Mark Manson
The FlNh quls lk DIFFERENT shorts N aa Ve 9 the flag placed on the moon is not a normal flag yes if you want closely you ll notice the flag appears to be waving but how is that possible if there s no air or wind space well the flag had a special design with a rod placed horizontally to keep it fully extended and not just
Agni Gauss
5 Tok alrigh v y_fkall i know it s thanksgiving i know it s not turkey but look at that meal and it s with good family even the dogs are begging
Olivia Veqqie