Patricia Lee
society is trying to make your salt as possible so that everybody feels good about themselves like if you re fat then salt is in here s i ll play that straighter that s because of the things you put in your in your mouth the hidden animal is down your throat babe i will see body positive let s let s celebrate that people wow no because they re fat yeah you ll laugh this
Agni Gauss
so i come home and i got a surprise waiting on me come on wait not sure where you come from but maybe this my birthday wednesday maybe this guy giving me a birthday present somebody hit my
Agni Gauss
ROV youXbox one onllife S efelefiit randomly starts you know how you re doing this i don t i don t know lois i m scared
Patricia Lee
computers made his wife as fast as they were in nineteen seventy three not the average voter is that a quarter on ten scope but i never they don t want to change that means that and one plan is breaking the office house and our children go
Olivia Veqqie