hate conspiracy theories because i embrace facts oh he got bar bars let me give it a try a conspiracy theory is only as theory until it s proven to be true but you only see what the new spoon feeds you and only hang with sheep like you now i m not going to say that everything
Jacob Junior
and from this in my right leg everybody loves to ask on a crack how do you drive you know it s exactly what you think it is so i actually do take off my leg when i drive because you know can t drive the fat thing on and then you put the siren drive and then you just start driving see it s exactly what you think of it
Mark Manson
Agni Gauss
Sophia Rich
you heard the inward lass as you ve gotten older in your life you feel like or did you hear it much growing up or not no no i never had somebody like a different race called media word to my face never never i think i m like one of the the ready one well no wait wait
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