Mark Manson
What it was supposed to be this game s dark love the noodles you killer yum thank you
Patricia Lee
words he had you come on you gotta see the goddamn cow people so goddamn inefficient oh god damn it i m garve you re all thief again you all fat bitch you fat bitch
how does a non binary person show people how they splash them there is more down here i can t tell you oh my goodness
Mark Manson
When Captain Barbossa NI CRETV NI R 1 Black Pearl bench press square square and white cape so i need to get here he can arm it gets to be
Jeremy Jordan
pancake art you want to start by loading up your squeeze bottle with batter now squeeze out some pancake batter from your pancake bladder let that cook for a minute or so and i m go ahead and fill in the background let that get barely cooked for twenty to thirty seconds then flip and bam gorgeous pancake art
Anthony Miller