Agni Gauss
1369 ol T Thotcole Can you order me some pizza to my job ENECE Youre the best can i get a large chicken bacon ranch plzz RCIENCEN T 1 hope you know youre an asshole How dare you do that Oh so we playing dumb now Oh okay let me refresh your mind find it funny how you think its okay to order me pizza and have me pay forit B vess OB OO E
Look at them just bunch of lonely perverted racist piece Look at us just bunch of lonely perverted racist piece 6 of shits
Ablotech BEQ N ESNIEGEEERORE NS UG rhino horns that carry the same genetic fingerprint as the actual horn The company plans to flood Chinese rhino horn market at one eighth of the price of the original undercutting the price poachers can get and forcing them out eventually
Gaie Houston