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2 o 2 o S o o e 5

2 o 2 o S o o e 5

avatar Sophia Rich
Adam Grant AdamMGrant Sending memes links and videos to others isnt trivial It signals that youre thinking of them and want them to share your joy Its known as pebbling based on penguins gifting pebbles to potential partners Pebbling is an act of care Every pebble is a bid for connection

Adam Grant AdamMGrant Sending memes links and videos to others isnt trivial It signals that youre thinking of them and want them to share your joy Its known as pebbling based on penguins gifting pebbles to potential partners Pebbling is an act of care Every pebble is a bid for connection

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aslya ossiyuh my little brother whos almost deaf admitted to the whole family that he will jus turn off his hearing aids when he doesnt want to hear us like he b getting yelled at and this boy will simply mute the haters i think hes a king for that 4 384k 389 Share Award o1 TOP COMMENTS Inspirethefear 2h 1 Award Funny do the same Im deaf and when dont want to listen o the bald headed dean during a

aslya ossiyuh my little brother whos almost deaf admitted to the whole family that he will jus turn off his hearing aids when he doesnt want to hear us like he b getting yelled at and this boy will simply mute the haters i think hes a king for that 4 384k 389 Share Award o1 TOP COMMENTS Inspirethefear 2h 1 Award Funny do the same Im deaf and when dont want to listen o the bald headed dean during a

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Воспитательница детского сада Елена Ивановна после бутылки вина начинает баловаться капризничать и не хочет ложиться спать

Воспитательница детского сада Елена Ивановна после бутылки вина начинает баловаться капризничать и не хочет ложиться спать

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При слове косяк только 15 людей вспоминают о дверном проёме и лишь 5 о рыбе

При слове косяк только 15 людей вспоминают о дверном проёме и лишь 5 о рыбе

avatar Sophia Rich
dew 99percent off_ 19h D I married my husband this week Heres just 10 of the reasons he SUCKS Erica Levin bankof amERICA 1d I married a tech bro this week Im officially a tech wifey Heres the top 10 worst things about marrying a tech bro

dew 99percent off_ 19h D I married my husband this week Heres just 10 of the reasons he SUCKS Erica Levin bankof amERICA 1d I married a tech bro this week Im officially a tech wifey Heres the top 10 worst things about marrying a tech bro

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