3 вещи которые я реально рад видеть после пьянки
когда то мог олег часами потом часами он не мог но мог рассказывать часами как раньше он часами мог
Charlie Chocolate
DEVON L Devon_ OnEarth Replying to OneRadChee getting away with any crime by yelling FENVANYEZGO and throwing a fistful of icing sugar at the cops
Isabella Lewis
memetic_sisyphus memeticsisyp 8h For the same reason theres an obese woman in a hijab and a pink haired lesbian with a septum piercing LearningTheLaw angalawyer 1d Why do modern Western games like Dustborn seem so obsessed with vitiligo When everyone has it its less about awareness and more like a new stereotype
Gaie Houston