The longest drum solo el ONalelbfs1nle 26 minutes and was ope rformede Tlldsnhgw me on Delta flight 963 from LA to Tokyo
Agni Gauss
Jf Dr Marcus Bell st AN I E ST IET N CE T AT CRVEES pretending that the new rash of GOP sponsored voting laws are about fraud Some folks arent getting that memo Oliver Darko oliver_drk 23h Conservative pundits saying the quiet part out loud SRl Mett Walsh Wake me up when any Republican anywhere has the guts to propose significant restrictions on voting rights so that our country is no longer held
Agni Gauss
l CEICH T NRVEREE R T T S S 6 hour long fight at this years Tolkien Historical Society Conference about whether VIToo N t Ta g W F N oIS o L ol M W Ta g g o T VTV a R a YR N NelalldalaaWaF To MagleE To Mg 1 IS W allelaWaal F 1a S L aF To MaTol a S VAR Vi ol l aWa g CE Ta 1S theres bees Everyone sighed and the olo g cTgcTalol Nelol gl V To M W o TN a oN No Tolkien scholar kialessa Follow Its what h
Agni Gauss
Josh Marshall joshtpm April 9th is a glorious anniversary the day Gen Ulysses S Grant Commanding General of the US Army received the surrender of Robert E Lee arenegade US Army Colonel who was a ETe T ato i RV To LTal A g10 151 Teg against the United States A Glorious Anniversary talkingpointsmemocom 1032 am 09 Apr 21 Twitt 388 Retweets 42 Quote Tweets LA VARIGE R V o ga Dean is dlgglng out of S 4
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