avatar Agni Gauss
avatar Agni Gauss
A2 Matt Haney Y EIRERIEANY Zero patients with COVID19 at San Francisco LTI N e oI R eTe EVVA For first time since March 5th 2020 over 14 months ago Overwhelming gratitude to the physicians nurses staff of SF General for their incredible tireless Wi Qs 18 SRRV Y o e Te WAEAVI Yo Role o Vi J IIV TH 539 PM May 20 2021 Twitter for iPhone

A2 Matt Haney Y EIRERIEANY Zero patients with COVID19 at San Francisco LTI N e oI R eTe EVVA For first time since March 5th 2020 over 14 months ago Overwhelming gratitude to the physicians nurses staff of SF General for their incredible tireless Wi Qs 18 SRRV Y o e Te WAEAVI Yo Role o Vi J IIV TH 539 PM May 20 2021 Twitter for iPhone

avatar Agni Gauss
avatar Agni Gauss
Threw some vegan ribs on the grill over the weekend 9 sunny c_ewenike Bruhh if i bite ribs and its bread Im sending everyone involved to sky daddy

Threw some vegan ribs on the grill over the weekend 9 sunny c_ewenike Bruhh if i bite ribs and its bread Im sending everyone involved to sky daddy

avatar Agni Gauss
When you play hide and seek with a professional

When you play hide and seek with a professional

avatar Agni Gauss
Brian Schatz 2By brianschatz L EYA T CRWTsTe TsTe IET 1e Cle ool Tl Wol i ol1S E1Te RV ETe I s ETaTe W Tl 2T Tl N TEWA T o EYelTe B o 1 American flag with the Trump flag USCP shuttered 1o TSN ET001 oTTgeToTe VY Te I ool e 10 VRRVIVRAVETS e RTORETo NV o Te e o13 Ye MeTerYilo o e il s TeTU M YeT o 1 died It was not peaceful S Senator Ron Johnson SenRonJohnson 2h More than 20000 Americans exercised 1

Brian Schatz 2By brianschatz L EYA T CRWTsTe TsTe IET 1e Cle ool Tl Wol i ol1S E1Te RV ETe I s ETaTe W Tl 2T Tl N TEWA T o EYelTe B o 1 American flag with the Trump flag USCP shuttered 1o TSN ET001 oTTgeToTe VY Te I ool e 10 VRRVIVRAVETS e RTORETo NV o Te e o13 Ye MeTerYilo o e il s TeTU M YeT o 1 died It was not peaceful S Senator Ron Johnson SenRonJohnson 2h More than 20000 Americans exercised 1

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