avatar ROFL
Художник приходит к попу на исповедь В чем твой грех сын мой С картиной живу батюшка Как так сын мой Я написал обнаженную красавицу в полный рост прорезал холст а за картину домработницу ставлю Батюшка огладил бороду и степенно ответил Сын мой грех твой велик но идея ХОЕОШЗ

Художник приходит к попу на исповедь В чем твой грех сын мой С картиной живу батюшка Как так сын мой Я написал обнаженную красавицу в полный рост прорезал холст а за картину домработницу ставлю Батюшка огладил бороду и степенно ответил Сын мой грех твой велик но идея ХОЕОШЗ

avatar Olivia Veqqie
ig olliethreads olliethreads after a couple of slices of pizza my 3 year old bursts into tears and says my mouth wants more but my tummy doesnt ive never related to anything more

ig olliethreads olliethreads after a couple of slices of pizza my 3 year old bursts into tears and says my mouth wants more but my tummy doesnt ive never related to anything more

avatar Jeremy Jordan
3 wFIWV i We T Shirt Photo oW 39 minutes No help s21uicks Photo on our 15 i 3 4 No breaks rioks Facebook page el Can have d Finish everything

3 wFIWV i We T Shirt Photo oW 39 minutes No help s21uicks Photo on our 15 i 3 4 No breaks rioks Facebook page el Can have d Finish everything

avatar Jacob Junior
Behind almost every shitty meme isa person that tried to make you smile look at bottom left

Behind almost every shitty meme isa person that tried to make you smile look at bottom left

avatar Agni Gauss
Former Power Ranger Has Been 1 is Stuntman raining To Rob Homes In Japan i ot 4 urself Become the villoin

Former Power Ranger Has Been 1 is Stuntman raining To Rob Homes In Japan i ot 4 urself Become the villoin

avatar jojo9
Cydnl Beer cydbeer We just waited an hour to see our pediatrician As soon as he walked in my toddler took his hand and pointed to his watch and said This is a clock Which was the most passive aggressive thing have ever witnessed

Cydnl Beer cydbeer We just waited an hour to see our pediatrician As soon as he walked in my toddler took his hand and pointed to his watch and said This is a clock Which was the most passive aggressive thing have ever witnessed

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