Charlie Chocolate
Anthony Miller
The Beetle That Farts Fire VLR GICEET T Mo Tolyg o ETo T o TN SRR o WA G RS oSlo Clo eV 1ol 1 with a boiling hot mixture of caustic chemicals Image Credit Getty ImagesDorling KindersleyGeoft Brightiing Reference Resealh posted in the journal Science in2015 See the SEl post for a link There is a species of beetle the Bombardier Beetle that shoots a boiling hot chemical mixture at its enemies by mix
B o F o n 5 TEL 1A R T T LI T E VY 10 B O 7 l J L Y _1_1 LA J A ZTJJ 1t LV Ddll NER G L o8Jed g LeTo sends his kids to a 30000year private school where students are REQUIRED to wear masks Will he pull his kids out of this B B Yl d AV oLl 1D S el w S oF QIVG g CJ U JULJALJQFS i
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