Alix E Harrow q CUNDIHEEI e aEVilalef olIslaRte o Ript INI RN U e SR e er dinner gross our 4yo is finding increasingly creative ways to express himself this tastesunlucky to me this sends my mouth into outer Sl NI o le cauliflower is pinches fingers together this much delicious Etransenbyhollis you told your toddler not to be rude and so now he is developing an incredible skill with sick fucking b
Gaie Houston
Nicole McLaughlin nicolemclovin organized my sauces Steve Mullis stevemullis this is going to sell for like a 1M at an art show one day
Gaie Houston
4 4 Wendys Got five bucks Get the 5 for 5 Meal Its everything you want in life in your stomach for just 5 rich people why is us self control and will e poor people oh thank go
Gaie Houston
sus susgawdd when u was alrdy in the shower but yo stomach hurtin
Gaie Houston
Girls have no idea What boys go through Sorry youre not tall enough Sorry couldnt make it to the date Is actually staying at home just to avoid you No text back Completely ignored Gross Creepy Weird Being left mid date so that she can hangout with Chad actually happened to me lol Going months to years at a time without a single sign of interest from the people you like or even a single compliment
Gaie Houston
LR VU Y R LV g T Elder Scrolls Games Dear Farkas Stop eating my pread y Love L wour hunqry brother
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