Agni Gauss
Brandon Ream Y Reamkore SEWARISISISICNRETolat1 Talo NalST SS T SEHNEISSEEBlelgk 1 fo 731 AM 41021 Twitter for iPhone
John Paul
WAGES Salary of retired US Presidentsmsmeussmm 450000 FOR LIFE Salary of HouseSenate membersum s 174000 FOR LIFE Salary of Speaker of the HOUSEewewmermmmimmemmns 223 500 FOR LIFE Salary of MajorityMinority Leadersummmm3194400 FOR LIFE Average salary of a soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN 38000 Average income for seniors on SOCIAL SECURITYcrece 12000 I think whe found where the cuts should be made Y
John Paul