Olivia Veqqie
Champagnepapi Follow Oct9 Q Unemployed people always wanna fight Go punch a clock and knockout a 40 hour week Y Like Q comment A Share O Mark AhHoe and 15K others 3259 shares Most relevant v
Joseph Mitchell
Cloacal Kiss vctoriwxc When was like 11 was getting bullied by this girl and my mom let me know she heard her parents were getting divorced and to tell her that neither of them wanted her which did and it worked but like mom
Sophia Rich
Nonhle sNonhleBery Whats something you didnt realize was going to consume so much of your time as an adult Divorce Photographer JagisOffiine Making food and eating that food and then cleaning up all of that mess and then planning what more food to buy because Ive now eaten some of my food and then going out to buy that food
Sophia Rich