Jeremy Jordan
Droping eyes
Gaie Houston
Anthony Oliveira meakoopa 5h ifind modern sound mixes so bad that i have the subtitles on with the remote in hand to constantly turn DOWN the sudden volume spikes then crank it back UP again when people talk in a muddled whisper Doug Russell DougRussell 18h Waitfor real THE MAJORITY OF MILLENNIALS AND GEN Z USE SUBTITLES WHEN A7 o 11 e AVARS V4V 147 18
Agni Gauss
Me starting a new life in the woods with my dog instead of LD R GIED R TR Y T ET e AT R Ty H
Anthony Miller
V S CANELETE LN FEL LA G LR holes where Im confident they keep evil ECEITEEN BEEGEGEIS G l T SIEVETE
Isabella Lewis