Gaie Houston
Heres a reality check for people do you know what this image is from in 2014 a small army of heavily armed federal agents tried to confiscate land and killed Cliven Bundys live stock they deemed on federal land As of Jan 8th 2018 an federal judge ruled the government was in the wrong Men armed with the same type and style of weapon as the agents held the line and drove a federal land grab back and
Agni Gauss
S 2 months ago edited 3 Stupid of you to cook the bread at 350 for 55 minutes when you can just do the math and cook it at 19250 for one minute 56k g B 148 148 REPLIES
Agni Gauss
VVARET NN TeoYTiTaToRiel g I1a o oISTE11Teg B Y07g RYTo 1 fol0 TaTo M 1 We oTo ST ITo 0 WA TE T My parents do not have a cat
Agni Gauss