Joseph Mitchell
Inollonger have need of a wizard the castle has not been attackiqor 50 years 3 Hro who tFdo yout thlnk cast dthe cwcle of protectlon F
Joseph Mitchell
Today found out my 7 year old daughter really did lie about my husbands other girlfriend as revenge for being grounded and that he never cheated on me at all Were well into our oVolol Nol olollTo aTeF ale Nal R VeTa R forgive me for not believing him when he denied it FML
Olivia Veqqie
S o Too bad he dies Basic_Cat Funniest shit ever that the creator killed him off T justto piss off his fanboys WHICH PROCEEDED TO LEAD TO THE DIRECT SUICIDE OF 11 PEOPLE Hes so real for that e
Joseph Mitchell
fempathy LELWERTCIGELRGS ERLELIL TG R EES CIg CIN R no reason to get angry youre just jealousin denialscared why arent you happy or sad