Mark Manson
lesbianshepard I would be the worst spy of all time because on one hand overshare like hell but on the other hand also have THE shittiest memory so its really a loselose scenario for everyone involved i lesbianshepard guy interrogating me Whats the passcode me Ah fuck think it might be 7924 me Actually no think it starts with a 2 me me Yeah usually just rely on muscle memory for it Do you think yo
Isabella Lewis
An art student was tasked with photographing a green apple however he only had red ones But he pulled it off anyway Green Apple
Patricia Lee
Amayax 2h 7 Awards Escort instead of stripper had one guy who would take me to a restaurant once every month he always requested there would be nothing else involved no stripping no touching no sex just sitting there for a few hours So he also wanted me to dress like would for a normal night out He had a massive stutter so much that a single sentence could take him a minute to pronounce Normally h
Mark Manson
Helped my 6yo son to explore his vision with some graphic tools from Gran Turismo Sport heres the result
Mark Manson